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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Holy man, Godman or religious baba

Some men are worshipped by ordinary people and are considered "holy" or "Godmen". They usually have their own following. The first picture is taken in North India. Here the religious baba is dressed in white robes and is wearing some sort of turban. He has garlands around his neck given to him by devotees. He is riding on a chariot. A man on the road is paying his respects to him by folding his hands to him.

religious baba

This is a portrait of a Hindu priest with a long white beard and various beads and necklaces around his neck. Yogis and Monks wear these Rudraksha beads and these beads are supposed to give them energy and tranquility. They have a holy quality. This priest is also wearing a watch and holding a leather pouch under his elbows. A cup or tea in a plastic glass is in his right hands. He is wearing spectacles too, all in all a modern priest.
hindu priest

Related Images: Pilgrims singing and playing the Manjira musical instrument or Priest performing a Pooja or ritual
Or Hanuman Temple
For religious symbols from Hinduism: Swastika graphics from India or Paduka or Guru's feet or  Shiva Pindi or Lingam 

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